The common cold is a respiratory infection caused by viruses. It’s known to be one of the most common infections in humans and can spread through close contact with others, such as going to school or work. The symptoms of it include a stuffy nose, sore throat, thick mucus, and headaches.
Colds are caused by more than 200 viruses.
The common cold is a viral infection that causes your nose, throat, and lungs to feel congested. It’s caused by more than 200 different viruses, including rhinoviruses (the most common cause of the common cold), coronaviruses, and adenoviruses.
The season for catching colds runs from November to April–and sometimes longer if you live in a place where temperatures drop below freezing during winter months. You can catch one at any time of year but it tends not to happen when conditions are hot or humid because these don’t make you sweat enough for the virus particles that cause illness to spread around the body easily enough for them to get into your nose or mouth (where they need access points called receptors).
It’s hard to avoid catching a cold, but you can get fewer colds if you try.
- Avoid close contact with people who have colds.
- Wash your hands frequently, especially after you cough or sneeze.
- Wear a mask while around sick people if they don’t have one and you want to avoid getting their germs on you.
- Don’t touch your eyes, nose, or mouth–it’s how germs spread! If a child has a cold, keep him away from others as much as possible by not letting him go to school until his symptoms are gone (or at least reduced enough).
- Avoid touching surfaces that other people have touched; for example, door handles in public places like shopping malls/stores, etc.. If there is no other option than using one of these then make sure to wash your hands thoroughly afterward – preferably with soap and water but hand sanitizer can also work well here depending on the situation i.e., traveling abroad where access to soap & water may be limited, etc..
Signs of a cold include a runny nose, body aches, and fever.
The common cold is a viral infection that causes symptoms like runny nose, body aches, and fever. The most severe symptom of a cold is a sore throat; if you have one of these symptoms, you should see your doctor as soon as possible.
Other common symptoms include:
- Runny nose (clear liquid)
- Sneezing or coughing
- A slight fever (less than 100 degrees)
- Body aches
Colds often last several days, but there are ways to feel better sooner.
You can take some steps to help your body fight off the cold, and help yourself feel better sooner.
- Drink lots of fluids. The best way to avoid dehydration is by drinking water or other nonalcoholic drinks with electrolytes every few hours. If you have a sore throat, try warm lemonade instead–the acid in lemons may soothe it.
- Get enough sleep each night (about 7 hours). Colds can make you feel tired because they drain energy from your body; getting enough rest will help you recover faster when you’re sick!
- Eat healthy foods with plenty of vitamin C–this includes citrus fruits like oranges or grapefruit juice; tomatoes (in salads); bell peppers (raw), broccoli leaves cooked quickly in olive oil until wilted then tossed with garlic powder & salt at the end; strawberries dipped in chocolate sauce (just kidding).
Antibiotics won’t cure a common cold.
You’re probably aware that antibiotics only treat bacterial infections. They do not work against viruses, like the common cold. So if your doctor prescribes an antibiotic for your sore throat and stuffy nose, don’t take it!
Antibiotics have side effects just like any other drug–and they can make you feel worse than before. If you already have a cold when you take an antibiotic, it could make your symptoms much worse: You might experience nausea or vomiting (which can lead to dehydration), diarrhea (which also leads to dehydration), rashes around the mouth and nose area (a reaction called Stevens-Johnson Syndrome), blood disorders like hemolytic anemia where red blood cells break down too quickly in the body’s cells causing them not enough oxygen supply for their metabolic needs which may lead up until death if untreated immediately at hospital emergency room without delay time
Over-the-counter drugs can help with discomfort.
If you’re suffering from a cold, over-the-counter drug can help.
One of the most common symptoms of a cold is a sore throat. If this is the case for you and your throat feels scratchy, try taking an oral decongestant such as Sudafed or Claritin D 24-Hour Allergy Relief (see below). These medications are designed to reduce swelling in your nasal passages and allow easier breathing through your nose so that mucus doesn’t build up there as much. They also help open up congested sinuses so that head congestion feels better too!
- Be sure not to take these medications if they make you feel worse before they make you feel better–that means they’re not right for you!
- Don’t take them more than once every four hours; otherwise, it could cause dizziness or sleepiness when taken in large doses over time (and we don’t want either one!).
Colds don’t have to mean days in bed.
The most important thing you can do is take care of yourself. Rest, but don’t overdo it. Drink plenty of fluids (water, tea, and soup are good choices). Eat well–this means lots of fruits and vegetables, wholegrain bread and cereals, lean meats, and fish. Avoid people who are sick (if possible) because they may pass on their germs to you which could make your cold worse than it already is!
If all else fails and you find yourself with a nasty bout of coughing or sneezing then try these home remedies:
- Honey Lemon Tea – 1 teaspoon honey mixed with 1 tablespoon lemon juice; steeped hot tea bag or hot water as desired; add honey/lemon mixture once steeped tea has been poured out into mug/cup
We hope you’re feeling better soon! If not, there are still things you can do. Consider taking some time off from work or school and resting in bed with a good book. You can also try over-the-counter drugs to ease your symptoms, such as ibuprofen for aches and pains or acetaminophen for fever. And if all else fails (or if it just feels good), go ahead and treat yourself to some delicious chicken soup–it just might help clear up those annoying sniffles after all!