How To Detect Early Stages Of Cancer And How To Prevent It


Cancer is the second most common cause of death in the world. According to statistics, 7.6 million people die due to cancer every year. Therefore, we need to be aware of this disease and try our best to prevent it. In this article, we will tell you how early stages of cancer could be detected and what preventive measures can be taken so that you can live a healthy life without any complications related to this disease.

Stop using tobacco

One of the major causes of cancer is smoking, and it’s a habit that should be avoided at all costs. Smoking tobacco leads to lung cancer, oral cancer, throat cancer, and oesophageal cancer. If you’re thinking about taking up smoking or have already started smoking and want to quit—there are many ways you can do this!

Consider avoiding exposure to carcinogens

You can reduce your risk of getting cancer by avoiding exposure to carcinogens. This includes:

  • Avoid tobacco smoke, which contains more than 4,000 chemicals that have been proven to cause cancer.
  • Avoiding second-hand smoke from other people who are smoking around you.
  • Avoiding asbestos, a mineral that causes lung cancer when it’s inhaled into the lungs in tiny particles. Asbestos fibres can also cause cancer in other areas of the body where they settle and stay for long periods of time.
  • Avoiding benzene, which is found in gasoline fumes and many industrial solvents such as paint thinners, glues, and rubber cement removers (benzene is also found naturally in crude oil). It’s one of the most common causes of leukaemia (cancer of white blood cells) but very small amounts are needed before damage occurs — up to 5 parts per million over an eight-hour period may be enough!

Eat more fruits and vegetables

The cancer-fighting properties of fruits and vegetables are no secret. But they don’t just help keep your body healthy—they can even help you detect cancer early on. Studies have shown that eating more than five servings of fruits and vegetables every day lowers your risk of developing lung, stomach, colon, mouth/pharynx, throat/oesophagus, and kidney cancers by at least 20 per cent.

The best way to ensure that you’re getting enough servings of fruits and veggies is by making sure each meal includes at least one serving from either group (i.e., orange counts as a vegetable). For example:

  • A large salad at lunch with spinach leaves (greens), cherry tomatoes (fruit), avocado slices (fruit), and dried cranberries (fruit) would count as two servings of vegetables because it has greens plus two fruit servings.* The same salad but without the avocado would count as three vegetable servings since avocados aren’t considered part of the “green” category along with lettuce or green beans—they’re considered a type of berry.* If you don’t like eating salads for lunch or dinner every day then try adding broccoli or cauliflower florets to soup or adding some diced yellow squash (fresh or frozen) to spaghetti sauce when making pasta every other week instead!

Maintain a healthy weight and be physically active

  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Be physically active.

Regardless of whether you are trying to lose weight or maintain your current weight, physical activity can help you get there by burning calories and reducing your risk for certain diseases, including cancer. Studies show that regular physical activity may help reduce the risk of many cancers by as much as 30%.

Protect yourself from the sun and do not use tanning beds

Take care to protect yourself from the sun. Exposure to UV rays can cause skin cancer, and tanning beds are also harmful. Use sunscreen and protective clothing when outdoors, and avoid the sun during peak hours.

Follow medical guidelines for screening tests

The best time for screening tests is when you are healthy, not when you have symptoms. It is never too early to start a screening test.

Follow medical guidelines for screening tests. If your doctor recommends a cancer screening test, make sure it is done according to national guidelines. Use the power of your doctor-patient relationship to ask for what you need and get the best care possible.

if you do the above-mentioned points then you will not have cancer

In order to avoid developing cancer, it is important to follow these tips:

  • Don’t smoke or vape
  • Exercise regularly
  • Eat a healthy diet (avoid processed foods)
  • Get regular screenings


In conclusion, the best way to detect early-stage cancer is by being mindful of your health and following medical guidelines for screening tests.

