How To Avoid Migraine


If you suffer from a migraine, you know how frustrating it can be. The intense pain and throbbing headaches that come with an attack can make even simple tasks almost impossible to accomplish. Many people believe there’s no cure for migraine, but in reality, there are several steps you can take to reduce or prevent an attack altogether.

Identifying your triggers

To identify your triggers, you’ll need to keep a migraine diary. This is a log of when you get migraines, what you were doing at the time, and any other symptoms that may have accompanied them.

It’s important to keep track of what happens before each migraine so that you can see if there’s a pattern or anything else that might be triggering them (like an allergy). You should also make sure to note whether or not medications helped alleviate the pain after it occurred so that you can decide whether or not they’re worth taking regularly just in case another attack occurs later on down the line.

Eating a healthy diet and avoiding food triggers

A healthy diet is an important part of migraine prevention. The following tips will help you eat a balanced diet that helps reduce the frequency and severity of your migraines:

  • Avoid food triggers. If you know what foods trigger your attacks, avoid those foods as much as possible. A food diary can be helpful in identifying these triggers so they can be avoided in the future.
  • Eat small meals throughout the day instead of 3 large meals per day or skip meals altogether because these habits can cause blood sugar levels to fluctuate too much which increases the risk for migraine attacks as well as other health problems such as diabetes or obesity.
  • Don’t eat high-fat foods such as fried chicken wings with bread or greasy pizza unless absolutely necessary (elevated cholesterol levels have been linked to increased risk for developing migraines). Also, try not eating any processed meats such as hot dogs because they contain nitrates which may play a role in triggering migraines due to their ability

Taking migraine medications

Migraine medications are drugs that can help prevent or reduce the pain, nausea, and other symptoms of migraines. Your doctor may prescribe one or more of these drugs treat your headaches if they’re recurring frequently.

If you have frequent migraines and take a prescription drug like triptans (Imitrex) or ergotamines (Migergot), don’t stop taking them without talking to your doctor first. Stopping suddenly can cause rebound headaches–which are even worse than regular ones–and/or other unpleasant side effects like dizziness or fatigue. If you do need to stop taking one of these drugs because of a serious side effect such as chest pain or difficulty breathing, talk with your doctor about switching over to another type of medication instead so that all the benefits aren’t lost altogether!

Managing stress

Stress is a major migraine trigger. When you feel stressed, your body releases hormones and neurotransmitters that can cause inflammation in your brain. Stress can also increase blood pressure, which can lead to migraines if you’re prone to them.

Meditation has been shown to lower stress levels by reducing cortisol (the hormone released when we’re stressed) and improving moods overall. Yoga is another great way of managing stress; it helps relax muscles and reduce tension in the body while bringing the focus back into your life by slowing down time so that everything feels more manageable. Deep breathing exercises are also helpful for managing anxiety–just take deep breaths from the diaphragm instead of shallow ones from the chest area! Finally: exercise! A good cardio workout will help get all those endorphins flowing through your bloodstream–which will make everything seem much less stressful during their peak effect times later on!

Don’t miss sleep

The best way to prevent migraines is to get enough sleep. Sleep is a time for your body to rest and repair itself, so if you’re not getting enough sleep, it can cause headaches and even migraines. If you have trouble falling asleep at night or are waking up in the middle of the night with a headache that won’t go away until morning, then it’s time to check out some tips on how to improve your sleeping habits!

Stay hydrated

To avoid a migraine, you need to stay hydrated. Your body is made up of over 60% water and dehydration can cause all sorts of problems. You might find that your skin looks pale and wrinkled when you’re dehydrated, or that your joints ache more than usual.

If you’re feeling tired and lethargic during the day, it might be because of dehydration – so drink up! Water is best for this but other fluids like tea (without sugar), coffee (without milk), or juice will also do the trick if it’s too hot outside for hot drinks like tea or coffee.

Alcohol also causes dehydration so try not to drink too much alcohol if possible – especially before bedtime as alcohol disrupts sleep patterns which may make things worse in the long run!


Migraines are a serious and debilitating condition that can cause you to miss work, school, or even just enjoy life. It’s important to know what causes migraines and how they can be avoided. If you’re suffering from frequent headaches and migraines, talk to your doctor today about treatment options that could help end your pain once and for all!
